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Sixth Form Sports Students

Two of our sixth form sports students Lucca and Preston, popped into the Careers Office to say an emotional goodbye to us today.

Mrs Gannon and Miss Trezona have worked with both Lucca and Preston throughout their journey in exploring their higher education and employment options and are now, overwhelmed with pride and proudness to see the success that both boys have made.

Lucca decided that higher education was not for him and having worked with Miss Trezona on options for a Gap Year decided to apply for Camp America. After several transatlantic virtual interviews and a trip to the American Embassy in London, Lucca has been successful in joining Camp America this summer, as a Sports Coach at one of the Camps. After getting this life-changing experience, Lucca then hopes to travel around America and Canada before continuing his career path in Sports.

Preston secured a place at University to study Outdoor Education however, he has put this on hold for now and instead has secured full time employment as a Sports Coach with Butlins and is excited to see where this may lead.

Both students came into the Careers Office to thank Mrs Gannon and Miss Trezona for their help in supporting them with applying for University, jobs and preparing for interviews and it was extremely emotional to say the least!

We are very excited to hear about their adventures and wish them both all the luck in the world. They are going to join our school LinkedIn Alumni account so that we can keep in touch and see where their careers journey takes them!

All students are welcome to drop in to see Mrs Gannon and Miss Trezona, for help and advice alongside structured events and sessions during their wider curriculum sessions.