College celebrates Bedrock success

Well done to Year 7 student Lana for winning a Bedrock Award for her conscientious work in the last half term
Well done to Year 7 student Lana for winning a Bedrock Award for her conscientious work in the last half term. Lana won the award after achieving well over the minimum target of 120 Bedrock points.
In awarding Lana with her £10 Amazon voucher, Bedrock praised her “tenacity to keep learning over lockdown” and they added: “Students at Stoke Damerel Community College were particularly consistent in completing their Bedrock lessons.”
Bedrock Learning recommend students complete at least two of their academic vocabulary lessons per week. Lana did much, much better than that. Miss Ekpoffiong said: “Lana usually completes two lessons per day, which shows her dedication and perseverance. Incredibly, she has progressed by at least six Bedrock blocks, so she may have completed well over 60 topics, as there are approximately 10 topics in a block. This equates to over 360 lessons!
“With this level of effort and perseverance, I'm sure that Lana will continue doing well,” Miss Ekpoffiong added. “She is a pleasant, conscientious and determined student, who always tries her best. I am extremely proud of her achievements and pleased that such a deserving student has won a prize from Bedrock.”
The College is hoping for more success in the new Bedrock competition this half term when there are two Chromebook laptops and 50 Amazon vouchers up for grabs.
Bedrock will use usage data for the weeks from Monday 22 February to Thursday 1 April 2021 inclusive to identify students around the country who have earned a minimum of 120 points. The 52 winners will be announced on Monday 12 April. Good luck to all our participating students!