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Year 11 GCSE Location Photoshoot

Last week the year 11 GCSE photography students got to experience what it was like to go out on a location photoshoot.

Mr Henson's group took a take a walk over to Central Park where they navigated their way around to capture a mixture of landscape, wide angle and close up images using different settings on the camera to build up a portfolio of photos to use within their coursework.

Mrs Greens group ventured out by minibus down to the Royal William Yard and were blessed with beautiful sunshine to capture not only images of the buildings from different viewpoints and angles but also some of the spectacular seascapes that can be seen along the far side of the complex.

Again, the students managed to all take at least 100 photos each building up a mass portfolio to use within their coursework to create some 'Surreal' edits.

The students had a great time and really developed their confidence with what can be done with the DSLR cameras. All the students behaved impeccably and were a real credit to the school. 

Here's some examples of the students work: