College supports #HelloYellow mental health campaign
College staff have marked #HelloYellow Day on 9 October by wearing yellow, while our student peer listeners were located around the college to support our young people in KS3.
An information stall was also set up in The Street, where students could access #HelloYellow resources.
#HelloYellow is an annual event that is organised by Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity campaigning for young people’s mental health. It coincides with World Mental Health Day on 10 October.
In a recent Young Minds survey of 2,000 young people, 80% agreed that the coronavirus pandemic had affected their mental health.
Mrs Miller, our Director of Student Welfare, said: “We usually celebrate #HelloYellow with a wide range of events, and although this has not been possible this year, we felt it was more important than ever to raise awareness about the day with our students.
“Our newly trained sixth form peer listeners also circulated in their yellow, offering advice and support to our younger college members.”