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FREE NSPCC Online Safety Workshops for Parents & Carers

The NSPCC is running a series of free Online Safety Workshops for Parents & Carers.

Core Content - The workshops are 1 hour and will help parents and carers to find out about:

  • What children and young people are doing online
  • Parental concerns
  • What the risks are for young people in terms of what they see, do, and who they meet online
  • How to manage these risks as a parent/carer
  • Sources of help and support

Each workshop will also focus on a combination of the following topics:

  • Gaming
  • Social Media
  • Online Bullying
  • Parental controls
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Modelling good behaviour
  • Online challenges, hoaxes and scams
  • Persuasive design and screen time vs screen use

We would encourage that a lead professional from your setting is present on the training, so that you are aware of any concerns and can follow up appropriately. You will also benefit from hearing the same key messages as your parent/carer community. However, this isn’t mandatory.
For more information and to request joining details please email

Date Time Content
22 March 6-7pm Core + Social Media + Mental Wellbeing + Online Bullying
6-7pm Core + Gaming + Social Media + Online Friendships
5 April 4-5pm Core + Gaming + Social Media + Bullying + Parental Controls
7-8pm Core + Online bulling, social media +modelling good behaviour
6-7pm Core + Social Media + Parental Controls
4-5pm Core + gaming, parental controls & bullying