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Celebrating the Power of Music: Successful Debut of the 'Big Sing' Event

Music filled the air as students from Year 7, 8, and 9 came together in a display of talent and unity at the first-ever 'Big Sing' event in our city.

This remarkable collaborative singing project, organised in connection with the Plymouth Music Education Hub, brought over 180 primary school children to SDCC, where they showcased a collection of songs they had been diligently rehearsing in their primary music lessons. The event was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on all who attended.

To kick off the event, the 'SDCC Singers' took the stage. Accompanied by Jake Nicol on guitar, they delivered three songs, showcasing beautiful vocal harmonies by Amelia Smith, Phoebe Demouth, and Edith Strudwick. Their performance set the tone for the event and showcased the talent and hard work put into their rehearsals.

Another highlight of the event was the Legacy Choir, an acapella vocal group known for their popularity on social media. They impressed everyone with their rendition of two pieces, leaving a lasting impression on all the students present.

The event concluded with a grand finale, where all the participants came together to sing and dance to the song 'Power in me.' The singers' strong, powerful, and loud voices filled the venue, creating an electrifying atmosphere and raising the roof with their performance.

Overall, the 'Big Sing' event was a resounding success, bringing together students from different years and showcasing their singing abilities. It provided an opportunity for young musicians to collaborate, inspire each other, and celebrate the power of music.