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Contact us

Stoke Damerel Community College

Somerset Place
Plymouth PL3 4BD

Tel: 01752 556065
Pupil Absence Line: 01752 284221
Sixth Form Absence Line: 01752 284167

Member of staff who deals with queries and requests for free paper copies of any information on this site: Mrs Mallard, Headteacher's PA 

The school and trust welcome comments and will deal with complaints in accordance with the school complaint procedures and trust complaint procedures.

Contact details

Anita Frier Headteacher Mrs Mallard, Headteacher's PA 

Stoke Damerel Community College welcomes comments. If you would like to contact us please do so on

If you have a complaint or concern that you feel has not been resolved by contacting us, you can make a complaint here. Please do not use this form if you have not first contacted us to try to resolve the concern informally.

Kay Lewis-Tuxford 
SEN Coordinator

Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr Simon Kelly

Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mrs Emma Hermon-Wright

Health and Safety:
Health and Safety Lead
Mr Cole

Chair of Governors:
Mrs J Cole
C/o Clerk to Governors
Scott College
Somerset Place

Please use the form below to contact these members of staff.

Submit Enquiry Online 


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