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Welcome to Stoke Damerel Sixth Form

Specialist subject teachers to help steer you in the right direction.

Varied selection of Level 3 courses including A Level and BTEC options.

Outstanding post-18 destinations 68% of students achieved a university place.

Unrivalled access to scholarship programmes guided by the experienced Sixth Form Team.
44% of our students secured a place on a scholars last year which will lead to an improved offer at university.

Supportive independent study sessions to enable students to complete and progress through your studies.

Wider curriculum programmes covering life skills, wellbeing sessions and extracurricular sessions, including EPQ, DofE or MOOC’s.

Exceptional pastoral care through a dedicated tutor and on-hand care and support team.

Post 18 advice and guidance from our dedicated Careers Team.

Dedicated sixth form areas including our common room, study area and outside space.

Access to a wide range of facilities include a gym, multiple sports areas and music/performance spaces.

Subject specialist trip opportunities both within the UK and abroad.

Meet other like-minded young people.

External applicants

If you have any further questions or enquiries, please email

Applications for our Sixth Form will be open to external applicants after our Open Evening on Thursday 1st February 2024.

Internal applicants

If you currently attend SDCC or Scott College, the application process will be via our IAG interviews, which take place in February. 




Sixth Form Presentation

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